Friday, November 29, 2013

Horror Happens Radio Interview

Luxuriate in your food coma and listen to my chat with Jay Horrorhappens Kay, of Horror Happens ("the Charlie Rose of horror"), where we talk about how I got in the business and how all roads lead to Rob Dimension's BAGGAGE.!11-26-show-convos

Saturday, November 16, 2013

New Review of CONTACT at Hooray For Movies

"Utilizing a mixture of stark monochrome textures, striking visual effects by Daniel J. Mazikowski and an industrial strength score by Tom Burns, CONTACT is as unsettling a 10 minutes of cinema as I have seen this year." - new review at Hooray for Movies

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Review of THE DAYS GOD SLEPT at Horror Cult Films

"Reminded me of Nicolas Roeg and his often elliptical storytelling...The Days God Slept, a short film is an expressionistic, even dreamlike piece as it seems to move back and forth in time, the lines often cryptic and questioning...very strong work!" - Horror Cult Films

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Working on vignette for Greta Barkol

Just wrapped a vignette for actress/writer/producer Greta Barkol, going into post today.

Monday, November 11, 2013

"Blood, Sweat and Drool" - an interview at lit mag Shock Totem.

"I love horror movies and have found it to be a wonderfully flexible genre. What’s interesting to me is when Mary Shelley wrote Frankenstein, they called it a romance, but not in the Hallmark sense of the word. Romance at that time meant it has sweeping elements of the fantastic. And how would you classify a movie like Don’t Look Now, the intensely dark story of a couple in Venice haunted by the death of their child and perhaps communicating with her beyond the grave? It feels like a drama and yet has a sense of tension and terror. I would call it a horror movie. I feel like the films I’m making might fall into that category. I’d be proud to have them called horror films, but am content if people find them to be beautiful and macabre." - "Blood, Sweat and Drool" - an interview with yours truly on Shock Totem.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Little Films made in collaboration with writer/actor Shannon Whalen

Here are a few little films I made from texts written by actress/writer Shannon Whalen. She is looking for other filmmakers to make short films based on her writing, so if you think you might know someone who'd be interested let me know!

Little Wolf 4:

Little Wolf 8:

Little Wolf 9:

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Rave review of CONTACT from UK genre publication Horror Cult Films

"CONTACT explores the excitement and dangers of drug use but also comments on the security and control of the family unit. Jeremiah Kipp is an extremely skilled and talented filmmaker...ZoĆ« Daelman Chlanda is great as the female protagonist...CONTACT is an exemplary piece of art." - a rave review from UK genre publication Horror Cult Films