Wednesday, February 25, 2015

New Review

Some love for BERENICE from Through the Shattered Lens and wonderful praise for lead actress Cheryl Koski. "An effectively morbid mood piece...Berenice works as a succession of increasingly surreal and disturbing images...[and] can be positively compared to the work of the great French director, Jean Rollin...Cheryl Koski is like a force of energetic, heartfelt and poignant performance."

They also cover PAINKILLER and THE MINIONS: "An amazingly effective and atmospheric 11 minutes, full of creepy images and growing paranoia." 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Tonight's Video Installation at the DIRTY Exhibit

Movie Waffler reviews MINIONS and PAINKILLER

The Movie Waffler cheerfully discusses the sex and violence of PAINKILLER and THE MINIONS. 

"The Minions is about male weakness, and, as William is enticed by Sarah and Katrina, we too are enchanted by The Minions with its seductive pace, whining score and hypnotic use of light and shadow. In this cryptic film the suspense is delicately sustained and a queasy feeling of dread surges throughout. Bewitching...That woozy blend of sex and horror is maintained in Painkiller [which is] shocking and utterly disgusting, but witty to boot." 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Upcoming MINIONS Screenings & Hickey's House of Horrors

Feb 13-15, 2015 - RadCon SF&F Convention – Pasco, WA
Feb 26, 2015 – The Silent Barn/Title:Point – Bushwick, NY
Feb 27, 2015
– Days of the Dead: Culture Shock – Indianapolis,IN 

"Taking the inherent otherworldliness that descends on bustling city streets when nights falls and the crowds disperse to be replaced by the outcasts and weirdos, THE MINIONS delivers a real punch. On one level Joe Fiorillo's story can be seen as deceptively simple, albeit dangerously alluring. Yet on another it really warrants significant dissection and discussion. It deals with a surprising yet stirring central theme — we are all potential victims, right up until the point we become the predator. It's an examination of temptation, opportunism, coincidence and fate." - Hickey's House of Horrors review

Monday, February 9, 2015

New Review of The Minions

"The Minions is closer in style and tone to his 2012 short The Days God Slept, a dream-like tale...stunningly photographed by Brian Dilg...[highlighting] Kipp's skill at creepy atmosphere and broody tension...Joe Fiorillo’s dialogue sometimes manages to be both very straight-forward and multi-layered at the same time...what is seduction and what is real?" - wonderful review of The Minions​ from the United Kingdom!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Imaginarium 12: Prince Humperdinck Brought Me Coffee

Wonderful interview with Scott Colbert at The Imaginarium.
17:30 - The influence of Cronenberg on CONTACT and Painkiller.
19:14 - How Jerry Janda Jr came up with PAINKILLER
20:18 - How PAINKILLER came about because of Rob Dimension's BAGGAGE and the notion of how work begets work 
21:18 - "The making of PAINKILLER was the most excruciating..."
21:46 - Everything comes back to John Carpenter's THE THING
Listen here:

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Praise for Adam Ginsberg's performance in ALONE

A beautiful and contemplative review of ALONE starring Adam Ginsberg at Rivers of Grue, highlighting Adam's haunting performance and Andrea Urbinati's beautiful cinematography. "To say that Ginsberg’s delivery of Poe's verse is pitch perfect is not doing it anywhere near the justice his utterly honest performance demands. Kipp wants us to feel his desolation and, what’s more, Ginsberg acts as exquisite harbinger. By the time he wraps up his verse, I felt a spike of emotion as it was utterly clear that he himself was moved."